RP11 Swales, Pond & Bankside Grass Seed Mix (20kg Pack) (RP11) (RP7) (SW3)
70% Strong Creeping Red Fescue
20% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
10% Creeping Bent
100% (20kg bags)
Why Buy this product?
- Mixture will hold banks together with creeping elements from the Strong Creeping Red Fescue & Creeping Bent
- Will establish a dense sward at 25g per m2
- Using this mix in a swale will help reduce runoff, reduce soil erosion & reduce water pollution. During heavy rainfalls, it will reduce downstream flooding
- For sediment ponds / traps it will reduce the risk of sediment / other pollutants entering watercourses close by
- RP11 Swales https://www.gov.uk/countryside-stewardship-grants/swales-rp11
- RP7 Sediment Ponds & Traps https://www.gov.uk/countryside-stewardship-grants/sediment-ponds-and-traps-rp7
- SW3 Infield Grass Strip https://www.gov.uk/countryside-stewardship-grants/in-field-grass-strips-sw3
Price per 20kg bag
For schemes sow at 25g per m2
(100kg per acre)