Small Leaved Timothy Seed (Smaller Catstail) (Phleum Bertolonii)
Why Buy this product?
- A small seeded, tufted (loose-dense tufts), persistent perennial grass (occasionally with leafy stolons)
- Shallow rooted, so succeeds on damp/wet/heavy soils (can tolerate lighter soils too)
- Very palatable and good digestibility for grazing
- Will produce high quality hay
- Found naturally in the UK in old pastures, grass downlands, banks, roadsides, waste areas, water meadows etc.
- Suited to be sown with other grasses and wildflowers
- See Timothy for much larger, faster growing and more robust grass
- Flowers June-Aug
- 10-50cm in height
Available in 2kg, 5kg, 10kg and 20kg bag sizes.