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P1 Acid Soils Wildflower Seed Mix 100% (without grass)

Wildflowers 100%: AC1 Cornfield Annual Mix, Autumn Hawkbit, Betony, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Bulbous Buttercup, Common Knapweed, Common Sorrel, Common Vetch, Devils Bit Scabious, Hairy Vetch, Ladys Bedstraw, Meadow Buttercup, Oxeye Daisy, Ragged Robin, Ribwort Plantain, Selfheal, Sheeps Sorrel, Tufted Vetch, White Campion, Wild Foxglove, Wood Sage, Yarrow & Yellow Rattle


Why Buy this product?

  • UK native wildflower seed mix
  • Ingredients have been specially selected to grow on acidic soils. Ideal to grow on moorland, heathland, peat soils and other acidic areas. 
  • Includes Annuals and Perennials which gives colour in the first year and beyond
  • Diverse range of acidic wildflowers that can survive down to a soil ph of 4.5
  • High percentage of perennial wildflowers 
  • Environmentally friendly (provides habitats for Bees, Butterflies, other Insects and Birds)
  • Sow in Spring or Autumn
  • Our mixtures include a large amount of species from the RHS Plants For Pollinators wildflower seed list
  • Use our wildflower seed growing guide for best results


(Please note that the actual varieties may vary according to availability; any substitutions are made with nearest equivalent appropriate species where available)


Sowing rates:

100% Wildflower Seed - 2-4 grams per m2 

100g covers 25-50m2

250g covers 50-125m2

500g covers 125-250m2

1kg covers 250-500m2

5kg covers 1250-2500m2

10kg covers 2500-5000m2

P1 Acid Soils Wildflower Seed Mix 100%

SKU: 8963

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