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Organic Mob Grazing Herbal Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack)

12.50% PERUN Festulolium 
20.00% ORG Toddington Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
7.50% ORG RAGNAR Timothy 
10.00% ORG DICEROS Cocksfoot
12.50% ORG ROZETA Red Clover 
5.00% ALICE White Clover
2.50% MERWI White Clover 
4.00% ORG Lucerne 
16.00% ORG Common Vetch
2.50% TONIC Plantain 
2.50% Burnet 
2.50% Sheep’s Parsley
0.50% Yarrow 
2.00% CHOICE Chicory 
100% (12.50 kg per acre)


Why Buy this product?

  • High nitrogen fixing content - when well managed there could be 40% legumes 
  • Specially formulated to add minerals & trace elements (Plantain increases intakes, Chicory is a natural stock wormer)
  • Dense canopy, reducing weed competition
  • Increases soil organic matter


MOB GRAZING....  The concept is simple. Graze a large number of cattle on a small acreage of land for a very short time. Then move them on allowing the land to enjoy long periods of rest before the cattle return..


This system has substantial benefits for the grass plant that creates a deeper  and more extensive root system below ground.


This Mob grazing principle requires leaving at least half the grass behind after grazing a plot known as  'laying down grass' The result, is that the grass plants can invest the nutrients back into their root system making for healthier plants.


Mob grazed cattle trample some forage onto the soil surface, increasing organic matter in the soil and feeding the microorganisms and other soil life. Incorporating cattle into an arable rotation offers financial benefits and improves soil quality, life, friability and water holding capacity of soils.


Mob grazing encourages the grass plants to complete their full lifecycle, improving overall capture of sunlight and improving the land’s productivity. A happy side-effect of allowing grasses to grow to maturity is that cattle are much healthier.

12.5 kg per Acre - Acre Packs


Organic Mob Grazing Herbal Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack)

SKU: 7125O

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