AHW3 Organic Beetle Bank Grass Seed Mix (8kg per acre) (AB3)Organic Beetle Bank Grass Seed Mix (8kg per acre)
30% AMBA Cocksfoot
17% ORG SWAJ Tall Fescue
35% ORG REVERENT Strong Creeping Red Fescue
100% (8 kg per acre)
Why Buy this product?
- Organic seed mix that produces tall, tussocky grass areas ideal for nesting birds, mammals and overwintering insects.
- Overwintering insects have been proven to feed on other insects that can damage crops, so it is beneficial to surrounding crops
- Ideal for maintaining soil structure in little used areas, and for preventing soil erosion by wind or water.
- Plant on a raised bank measuring 3-5m wide and 0.4m high. Leave gaps no more than 25m wide at the end of each ridge (for access). Must establish in the first year of agreement. Cut to control woody growth and suckering species after 1st of August (to protect nesting invertebrates).
8kg per acre