HM Stress Buster Grass Seed Mix (Ideal for Clay Soils, Drought & Wet Areas)
25% SC1 Amenity Tall Fescue (Rhizomatous)
25% DEBUSSY 1 Amenity Tall Fescue (Rhizomatous)
50% DOUBLE TET Perennial Ryegrass
**Please note, due to Amenity Tall Fescue shortages cultivars may differ**
Why Buy this product?
- Lawn/Sports Seed mix with deep penetrating roots to combat stress and difficult situations
- Stress survivor including the following situations: clay soils, wet lying areas/submersion tolerance, drought and free draining areas, high heat tolerance, good shade tolerance, high disease tolerance, high wear tolerance, low thatch production, good all year round colour etc
- Includes rhizomatous amenity Tall Fescue (underground spreading stems that creates new growth for a denser sward). Tall Fescue is slow to establish but hardwearing once established and dark green in colour. Known to have broader leaves than other grasses, however these are turf type Tall Fescues (bred with finer leaves than Tall Fescues).
- Tetraploid grasses are super fast to establish but also semi broad leaved and mid-dark green colour. This blends in well with the Tall Fescue
- Requires a fine, firm seedbed and soil temperatures of 13+ degrees for germination. Sow April-Early June or August to September for best results
- Optimum pH is 5-7
- Grows in a wide range of soils
- Seed is Defra approved and to the highest purity, germination and quality (HVS were possible)
- Use our lawn seed growing guide for best results and grass seed calculator for sowing rates
First picture courtesy of The Lawn Man.
Coverage (For small packs see
5kg - 140m2 new sowings / 200m2 overseeding - see UK GRASS SEED
10kg - 280m2 new sowings / 400m2 overseeding
20kg - 560m2 new sowings / 800m2 overseeding
100kg - 2800m2 new sowings / 4000m2 overseeding
200kg - 5600m2 new sowings / 8000m2 overseeding
500kg - 14000m2 new sowings / 20000m2 overseeding