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HM.3 Hard Wearing Lawn Grass Seed Mix

30% Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

30% Strong Creeping Red Fescue

10% Slender Creeping Red Fescue

20% Chewings Fescue

5% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

5% Browntop Bent



Why Buy this product?

  • A premium, hard wearing lawn seed mixture
  • Easy fast germination and rapid establishment (See HM.4 General Amenity, for the fastest/toughest mix we offer)
  • Striking visual merit and appearance for a lush front or back lawn
  • Tolerates high levels of foot and pet wear
  • Excellent all year-round colour
  • Includes creeping grasses that strengthens the lawn and helps establishment
  • Will provide that lawn all your neighbours will be jealous of (can be striped up with lawnmower that has a roller attached)
  • Requires a fine, firm seedbed and soil temperatures of 10+ degrees for germination
  • Optimum pH is 5-7
  • Grows in a wide range of soils
  • Seed is Defra approved and to the highest purity, germination and quality (HVS were possible)
  • Use our lawn seed growing guide for best results and grass seed calculator for sowing rates


Coverage (For small packs see

5kg - 140m2 new sowings / 200m2 overseeding - see UK GRASS SEED

10kg - 280m2 new sowings / 400m2 overseeding

20kg - 560m2 new sowings / 800m2 overseeding

100kg - 2800m2 new sowings / 4000m2 overseeding

200kg - 5600m2 new sowings / 8000m2 overseeding

500kg - 14000m2 new sowings / 20000m2 overseeding

HM.3 Hard Wearing Lawn Grass Seed Mix (HM3)

SKU: 8003

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