HM.12 Mourne Long Term Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (4-7 Years Dual Purpose)
2.00 kg TETRAGRAZE Hybrid Ryegrass Tet
2.50 kg BOYNE Perennial Ryegrass Int Dip
2.50 kg NOLWEN Perennial Ryegrass Int Tet
3.00 kg GLENEAGLE Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
3.00 kg MELPAULA Perennial Ryegrass Late Tet
1.00 kg VIKING White Clover Blend
14.00 kg per acre
Why Buy this product?
- Produces very high cutting yields
- High palatability and digestibility (D value)
- Quality high sugar grasses
- Good sward density
- Dynamic re-growth
- Nitrogen fixer
- Very flexible (suitable for cutting and/or grazing)
- Suited for a wide range of soils, even heavy soil
14 kg bag - 1 acre pack