CSI Creeping Ryegrass Grass Seed (Lolium Perenne - Creeping)
Why Buy this product?
- Creeping Ryegrass is a new type of grass, bred from Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass but with creeping horizontal tillers
- Creeping characteristics start after vernalisation (which occurs in cool weather and short daylight hours) and usually takes 5-10 months with our climate
- The cultivar CSI stands for creeping, spreading & innovative. Providing a very fine leaved dense and durable dark green turf, with tightly intertwined horizontal tillers.
- Very attractive (our favourite cultivar) mid-dark green colour, ideal for use on its own or with other grass species
- Higher % of creeping plants compared with other Creeping Ryegrass cultivars
- Prostrate growth that smothers weeds and fills in patches
- Lesser amounts of erect growth, for less cutting and naturally a lower plant height
- High disease resistance, fewer chemicals required to maintain an attractive turf
- Ideal for harder wearing amenity areas including: lawns, landscaping, turf productions, sports (including football, rugby, golf, cricket, bowling greens, racecourses, tennis etc)
- Can be cut as low as 4mm (we have lots of experience using on golf & bowling greens)
- Usually requires a pH of 5.5-7.2
- Use our lawn seed growing guide for best results and grass seed calculator for sowing rates
Available in 10kg and 20kg bag sizes.