CSAM3 HM.44 Herbal Essential Seed (Acre Pack)
4.25 kgs Tetragraze Hybrid Ryegrass Tet
4.25 kgs Boyne Perennial Ryegrass Int Dip
0.50 kgs Viking White Clover Blend
0.50 kgs Alsike Clover
0.25 kgs Tonic Plantain
0.25 kgs Sheeps Parsley
10 kgs per acre
Why Buy this product?
- HM.44 is a herbal mixture thats suitable to last at least 3 years
- This mixture will become well established strongly structured mix to protect soil and provide good root growth that will benefit soil structure
- Highly capable mixture that will hold fertility & will also minimise any nutrient leaching covering and ‘’armouring’ ’the soil well
- Fits the criteria for CSAM3 Herbal Leys
- CSAM3 Herbal Leys Specification - https://www.gov.uk/find-funding-for-land-or-farms/csam3-herbal-leys
10kg per acre