SOH2/SOH3 Lightning Grass Balansa Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (CSAM2/SAM2)
6.00kg LEMNOS Westerwolds Ryegrass
3.00kg MELSPRINTER Italian Ryegrass Tet
2.00kg PARADANA Balansa Clover
1.00kg CONTEA Crimson Clover
12.00 kg per acre
Why Buy this product?
- Super fast establishment mixture of westerwolds, italian ryegrass, balansa clover and crimson clover
- Balansa clover has long deep rooting tap roots and is a nitrogen fixer
- Crimson clover is fast to establish and fixes large amounts of nitrogen
- Complies with SOH2, SOH3, CSAM2 & SAM2
- SOH2 specification -
- SOH3 specification -
- CSAM2 specification -
12 kg per bag - 1 acre pack