CESWI Mixture 1 Grass Seed Mix (General Purpose)
30.0% TURFGOLD Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass
25.0% SUNBEAM Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
40.0% MAXIMA Strong Creeping Red Fescue
5.0% HIGHLAND Browntop Bent
Why Buy this product?
- CESWI Mixture 1 is a general purpose grass seed mixture for a wide range of soils.
- Complies with Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry - 7th Edition
- Fast germinating and growth (due to dwarf ryegrass inclusion)
- Stabalizes bankings and slopes by creeping grasses
- Tolerates high levels of wear
- Most popular CESWI mixture
- Optimum pH is 5-7
20 kg per bag
Sowing rate: 35-70 grams per m2
Oversowing: 20-35 grams per m2