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AD Plant - Hybrid Rye Seed (Unit Packs) -  CALL FOR AVAILABILITY


SU DRIVE - Most popular variety, suitable for a wide range of soil types, stiff strawed, great disease resistance (especially brown rust) and stays greener for longer for a wider harvesting window

SU PERFORMER - Exceptionally high yielding, good resistance to lodging, excellent tillering ability and a good disease resistance (2-3 days later maturing than SU DRIVE)

SU COSSANI - Extremely robust disease resistance, early ear emergence and high yielding (1-2 days later maturing than SU DRIVE)

GENERATOR - Super early variety ideal for double cropping (mid-May), this makes it ideal to sow maize immediately afterwards. (NOT A HYBRID RYE, HOWEVER IS A 'GREEN FORAGE' TYPE - LOWER YIELDING THAN HYBRID RYE)

For more information & prices contact the office


Why Buy this product?

  • Hybrid Rye is an excellent crop to balance other high production substrates, such as Beet or Maize in the production of biogas in AD plants. 
  • The addition of hybrid rye to beet or maize provides a different nutrient source for the bacteria in the digester. This has a two pronged synergistic effect: the Hybrid Rye increases methane yield, due to a better balance of trace elements and a reduction in retention time in the digester. The latter is very significant as Rye will take only 20 days to breakdown in the digester compared with 80 days for Maize. The usual ratio is 25% Rye to 75% Maize. 
  • It is also an excellent alternative to Maize where the geography or soil types are not suitable for Maize production. In such situations a Hybrid Rye and Beet would make a good combination. Hybrid Rye gives higher DM yields than Triticale or Wheat particularly
  • For more information & prices contact the office


Unit Packs - covers around 0.5 ha

AD Plant - Hybrid Rye Seed (Unit Packs)

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