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SAM3 HM.28 Heavy Land Herbal Ley Grass Seed (Acre Pack) (CSAM3/GS4)

2.10kgs Laura Meadow fescue

2.65kgs Toddington Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip

0.80kgs Comer Timothy

1.00kgs Lofa Festulolium

1.20kgs Swaj Tall Fescue

1.00kgs Merula Broad Red Clover

0.40kgs Aurora Alsike Clover

0.25kgs Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover

0.20kgs Leo Birdsfoot Trefoil

0.40kgs Alice White Clover

0.30kgs Merlyn White Clover

1.00kgs Common Vetch

0.11kgs Choice Chicory

0.16kgs Tonic Plantain

0.05kgs Yarrow

0.16kgs Sheeps Parsley

0.22kgs Sheeps Burnet

12.00kgs per acre


Why Buy this product?


12 kg bag - 1 acre pack 

SAM3 HM.28 Heavy Land Herbal Ley Grass Seed (Acre Pack) (CSAM3/GS4)

SKU: 7051

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