All seed mixtures are now available with a mycorrhizae seed treatment,
which is mixed into the seed mix when packed on site.

SR2 Mycorrhizae & Rhizobacteria
What is Mycorrhizae? A naturally occurring beneficial fungus that forms a symbiotic relationship with the plants. It attaches to the roots and becomes extensions of the root system. This dramatically expands access to moisture and nutrients from the soil. In return, the host plant feeds the fungi with sugars and organic substances. For further information call 01377 271400 or speak to your local representative/distributor
We use Smart Rotations SR2 Mycorrhizae and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria
How does this benefit?
• Improves establishment
• Increases the % of sown grasses in the sward over weeds
• Greatly improves root mass
• Increases nutrient uptake
• Less prone to disease and recovers faster after disease
• Increases plant tolerance to drought and stressful conditions
Hurrells have been working closely with the BDC (Biorenewables Development Centre) at the University of York to understand and develop benefits for our customers.
For a very small cost, you can add this to your Grass Seed Mixture below or call 01377 271400 to speak to an advisor
Buy one unit of Mycorrhizae per 20kg bag/acre bag. Min order of 10 to be mixed in with 10 bags of seed.
Any less will be packed separately